Monday, April 11, 2011

Connect to Life

Two people that I can think of that have a strong love relationship for many years are Ben and Cat they love each other so much and they support each other on every thing. Cat is a very good listener and Ben has a Lot of knowledge which makes it easy for them to agree on things they also know each other well enough to know what each one would do in a certain situation. I believe that they have a very strong relationship and they will last for a very long time.

Sonnet 292 song

BOB lovelier than you

Sonnet 292 summarize

The eyes I spoke of once in words that burn,
the arms and hands and feet and lovely face
that took me from myself for such a space
of time and marked me out from other men;

the waving hair of unmixed gold that shone,
the smile that flashed with the angelic rays
that used to make this earth a paradise,
are now a little dust, all feeling gone;

and yet I live, grief and disdain to me,
left where the light I cherished never shows,
in fragile bark on the tempestuous sea.

Here let my loving song come to a close;
the vein of my accustomed art is dry,
and this, my lyre, turned at last to tears.

Marquise- This poem is about how he lost his beloved Laura and how she was such a gift on earth to him and it gave him the power to write such great poetry about her. Now since she is dead he is dry of art and is now in sorrow

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Critics corner response

Shakespeare’s Sonnet is an exploration to the human spirit because he gives his experience on how love has kept him happy at moment but it has also destroyed him because he has something on his chess that he wants to tell but he can’t for some reason. I think that love is a problem that everybody deals with and everyone is searching for that person that can complete them or to be that extra piece that makes it perfect. This is the reason why Shakespeare’s writing is an exploration to the human spirit. A line that supports me is sonnet 29 line 9-11 “Yet in these thoughts almost myself despising, haply I think of thee, and then my state, like to the lark at break of day arising”. This means when He is down in the slumps he thinks of the love that he has for her and it cheers him up. This shows that love as strong as think can prevail over anything. That’s the reason why I think everyone searches for love because they want a strong reason to be happy and never down and I also think that love can lead to success.